These   Terms   of   Use   have   been   created   for   Users   of   the   Mobile   Application   published   and   developed  by DAHER. 
The   mobile   application   platform   “Me&MyTBM”   (the   Mobile   Application ”)   enables   Users   to  access   and   obtain   Flight   Data   generated   by   the   various   instruments   and   equipment   installed   on   the  Aircraft.
Use   of   the   Mobile   Application   is   subject   to   the   regulations   in   force   and   to   these   Terms   of   Use.   By   using  the   Mobile   Application,   Users   agree   to   comply   with   these   Terms   of   Use   in   full.   If   Users   do   not   agree  to   any   provision   of   these   Terms   of   Use,   they   must   not   access   or   use   the   Mobile   Application.   DAHER  reserves   the   right   at   any   time   to   modify   these   Terms   of   Use   and   the   Mobile   Application   in   accordance  with   Article  
  below.   By   using   the   Mobile   Application   after   any   such   notification   of   modification,  Users are deemed to accept the modifications made.
User   hereby   agrees   to   be   bound   by   the   terms   and   conditions   contained   in   the   Aircraft   Purchase  Agreement   where   User   purchases   a   new   Aircraft.   Where   User   is   a   subsequent   buyer   of   a   used   Aircraft,  Buyer   may   be   required   to   execute   DAHER   standard   document   “Subsequent   Buyer   Adoption   of   2018  Terms and Conditions” before being granted access to this Mobile Application.
Means an account created by User on the Mobile Application.
Means any TBM aircraft used by the Operator.
Means   the   société   par   actions   simplifiée ,   DAHER   AEROSPACE   with   share   capital   of   43,000,000   euros,   duly   organised   and   existing   under   the  laws   of   France,   having   its   registered   office   at   23,   route   de   Tours   41400   St  Julien   de   Chédon,   France,   registered   with   the   Trade   and   Companies  Register   of   Blois   under   number   597 020 841,   acting   as   the   publisher   and  developer of the Mobile Application.
“DAHER Group”
Means   DAHER   AEROSPACE   SA,   DAHER   AIRCRAFT   INC.,   and   any   other  parent,   subsidiary   or   affiliated   companies   involved   in   providing   the  Mobile   Application,   providing   services   through   the   Mobile   Application,   or  the processing of Flight Data.
“Data   Protection  Legislation”
Means   all   data   protection   and   privacy   laws   applicable   to   any   Personal   Data  processed   to   the   extent   applicable   including   those   deriving   from   Directive  95/46/EC   and   the   data   protection   principles   set   out   in   the   French   Data  Protection   Act   no   78-17   dated   6   January   1978,   to   be   replaced   by  Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
“FAST™ System”
Means   the   device   and   computer   program   developed   by   PRATT   WHITNEY   CANADA   CORP.,   a   corporation   duly   organized   and   existing  under   the   laws   of   Canada,   having   its   registered   office   at   1,000   Marie  Victorin,   Longueuil,   Québec,   J4G   1A1   Canada,   the   purpose   of   which   is   to  collect,   record,   and   provide   DAHER   with   Flight   Data   generated   by   the  various instruments and equipment installed on the Aircraft. 
“Flight Data”
Means   any   content   collected   by   the   FAST™   System   or   any   other  equivalent   device   (including   SIM   CARD)   made   available   by   DAHER  through   the   Mobile   Application,   including   flight   data   from   the   Aircraft’s  avionics   and   global   air   system   controller   and   any   content   whether   or   not  obtained under license from a third party.
“Mobile  Application”
Means   the   mobile   application   developed   by   DAHER   that   may   be  downloaded by any User on Apple Store or Google Play.
In   relation   to   any   Aircraft,   means   the   owner   of   the   Aircraft   and   any   other  person   who   is   for   the   time   being   responsible   for   the   control   of,   or   is  otherwise responsible for the operation of, the Aircraft.
“Personal Data” 
Has the meaning set out in the Data Protection Legislation.
“Aircraft   Purchase  Agreement”
Means   the   purchase   agreement   entered   into   between   DAHER   and   the  owner of the Aircraft for the purchase of such Aircraft.
“Terms of Use”
Means   the   terms   and   conditions   set   out   in   this   document,   as   may   be  modified from time to time.
Means   any   Operator   or   third   party   duly   authorized   by   Operator   and  DAHER   to   use   the   Mobile   Application,   including   a   subsequent   buyer   of   used Aircraft as the case may be.
Access   to   the   Mobile   Application   is   made   using   the   Users’   Internet-connected   equipment,   for   the  installation, functioning, and connection costs of which Users are solely responsible. 
The   minimum   configuration   required   to   use   the   Mobile   Application   is:   IPhone   running   IOS   10   and  above; android devices from version 5 and above.
A   connection   to   the   Internet   is   required   to   access   the   Mobile   Application.   To   access   certain   Mobile  Application   functionalities,   User   shall   register   and   create   an   account.   Full   access   to   Flight   Data  becomes directly available after registration on the Mobile Application.
User   is   responsible   for   maintaining   the   confidentiality   of   User’s   password   and   account,   and   is   fully  responsible   for   all   activities   that   occur   under   his/her   password   or   account.   User   agrees   to   immediately 
notify   DAHER   of   any   unauthorized   use   of   the   password   or   account   or   any   other   breach   of   security.  DAHER   cannot   and   will   not   be   liable   for   any   loss   or   damage   arising   from   failure   to   maintain   the  confidentiality of the password.
Users   are   responsible   for   configuring   the   information   technology,   computer   programs   and   platform  in order to access the Mobile Application.
Flight   Data   appearing   on   the   Mobile   Application   is   given   on   an   advisory   basis.   It   is   the   responsibility  of   any   interested   party   to   verify   the   information   made   available   and   to   make   appropriate   use   of   it.  DAHER   accepts   no   liability   concerning   use   made   of   the   information   supplied   via   the   Mobile  Application. 
DAHER   makes   every   effort   to   ensure   that   the   information   given   on   the   Mobile   Application   is   correct  and   kept   up   to   date,   and   reserves   the   right   to   correct   the   content   at   any   time,   and   without   notice.   It  cannot   however   guarantee   that   said   information   is   complete   or   the   absence   of   any   third-party  modification   (virus,   intrusion).   No   liability   is   accepted   either   for   any   error   or   omission   in   said  information.
When   using   the   Mobile   Application,   Users   agree   and   acknowledge   that,   when   required,   they   should  enter   information   required   by   the   Mobile   Application   allowing   the   Mobile   Application   to   operate   in  accordance   with   its   intended   purpose.   Users   shall   provide   information   and   data   accurate   and   up-to- date at all times.
As   a   result,   User   grants   DAHER   the   following   rights   over   the   information   and   data   (subject   to   limited  use   of   Personal   Data   as   defined   in   Article  
  below)   entered   into   the   Mobile   Application   as   well   as   over  the Flight Data:
- the   right   to   reproduce,   edit,   adapt,   represent,   publish   and   translate   all   or   part   of   any  information   on   any   recording   medium,   present   or   future,   in   particular,   on   any   server   or   hard  disk,   in   any   format   and   by   any   method   or   technology,   known   or   unknown   at   the   present   time,  and by any type of communication media, including the Internet, or print; 
- the   right   to   grant,   for   payment   or   free   of   charge,   sub-licenses   of   the   rights   granted   under   the  above-mentioned   license   to   any   third   party   (including   PRATT   &   WHITNEY   CANADA  CORP.), as part of the operations mentioned below. 
These   rights   are   granted,   in   particular,   to   ensure   the   operation,   development,   promotion   and  advertising   of   TBM   aircraft   and   the   Mobile   Application,   or   to   conduct   research   and   development  programs   into   future   functionality   of   hardware,   software,   DAHER’s   aircraft   and/or   DAHER’s  activities. 
These   rights   are   granted   worldwide   and   for   the   maximum   term   provided   by   national   and   international  copyright legislation. 
Users   are   only   permitted   to   use   the   Mobile   Application   for   personal,   non-commercial   purposes.   Users  may share data with services providers of the Aircraft, when required. 
Except   as   stated   above,   it   is   strictly   forbidden   to   reproduce,   copy,   transmit,   redistribute   or   republish  Flight   Data   whether   in   whole   or   in   part   to   the   benefit   of   third   parties   unless   such   reproduction,  distribution,   use   of   Flight   Data   is   required   for   technical   purposes   by   services   providers   of   the   Aircraft.  Any other use must be approved in advance in writing by DAHER. 
Users   shall   not   modify   the   Flight   Data   or   modify   or   delete   indications   of   copyright,   trademarks   or  signs of title or ownership relating to Flight Data or the Mobile Application.
Users   must   use   the   Mobile   Application   in   accordance   with   applicable   law.   Users   also   agree   not   to  violate   or   attempt   to   compromise   the   integrity   or   security   of   the   IT   infrastructure   on   which   the   Mobile  Application   is   located   or   on   which   the   Data   used   in   the   Mobile   Application   is   stored   or   hosted.   Users  shall   not   attempt   to   gain   unauthorized   access   to   the   Mobile   Application,   the   servers   on   which   the  Mobile   Application   and   the   data   used   by   it   are   stored   or   any   server,   computer,   or   database   connected  to the Mobile Application. 
Users   must   not   misuse   the   Mobile   Application   by   knowingly   introducing   viruses,   Trojan   horses,  worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. 
In   the   event   of   any   breach   of   the   foregoing,   Users   right   to   use   the   Mobile   Application   will   cease  immediately. 
The Mobile Application may be used by Users in accordance with these Terms of Use only. 
DAHER   grants   Users   a   non-exclusive,   personal,   license   to   use   the   Mobile   Application   in   accordance  with these Terms of Use.
This   license   may   be   revoked   at   any   time,   without   notice   or   demand.   This   license   gives   Users   the   rights  to   access   the   Mobile   Application   and   use   the   Flight   Data   made   available   to   Users   on   the   Mobile  Application only as part of and for the purposes set out in the Terms of Use.
Users   acknowledge   that   the   Mobile   Application,   and   any   other   distinctive   sign   mentioned   on   the  Mobile Application are protected by copyright and by intellectual property law. 
DAHER   owns   all   intellectual   property   rights   (including   in   particular   copyright,   trademarks,   database  rights   and   any   other   similar   rights   anywhere   in   the   world)   covering   not   only   the   structure   but   also   the  content   of   the   Mobile   Application   (including   in   particular   images,   sounds,   videos,   photos,   logos,  trademarks, graphics, tools, software, documents and any and all other data).
Any   reproduction   whether   in   whole   or   in   part   of   DAHER   trademarks,   logos   and   trademarks   and   those  of   its   partners   displayed   on   the   Mobile   Application   without   the   express   prior   authority   and   approval  of DAHER is prohibited.
  By   entering   into   these   Terms   of   Use,   User   confirms   that   User   has   read,   understood,   and   accepted   the  content   of   Schedule   1   and   given   express   consent   to   the   processing   of   User’s   Personal   Data   for   the  specific   purposes   described   in   Schedule   1.   User   recognizes   and   agrees   that   processing   of   User   Personal  Data is necessary for the performance of these Terms of Use. 
DAHER   undertakes   to   handle   any   Personal   Data   as   defined   in   Schedule   1   in   compliance   with   any  relevant Data Protection Legislation.
Where   permitted   by   law,   User   has   the   right   i)   to   obtain   access   to   his   Personal   Data,   ii)   to   amend   such  data,   iii)   to   be   forgotten   by   DAHER,   iv)   to   restrict   the   processing   (under   conditions),   v)   to   receive   Data  concerning   him   or   her,   which   he   or   she   has   provided   to   DAHER,   in   a   structured,   commonly   used   and  machine-readable   format   and   have   the   right   to   transmit   such   Data   to   other   Data   controllers   when   the  processing   is   necessary   for   performance   of   a   contract   where   User   is   involved,   vi)   to   object   to   the  processing   of   such   Data   for   the   purposes   of   direct   marketing,    vii)   and,   on   legitimate   grounds,   to   object  to   the   use   of   such   Data,   or   to   request   that   it   be   removed,   or   viii)   lodge   a   complaint   with   a   supervisory  authority.    The   said   right   may   be   exercised   at   any   moment   by   sending   a   request   to   DAHER   at   the  address mentioned in Schedule 1.
Flight   Data   are   put   online   and   in   the   Mobile   Application   “as   is”.   DAHER   disclaims   any   form   of  warranty   and   makes   no   representation   as   to   the   quality   or   suitability   of   the   Flight   Data   for   a   particular  use.   THE   EXISTENCE   OF   ANY   IMPLIED   WARRANTIES   OF   MERCHANTABILITY   OR   FITNESS  FOR ANY PARTICULAR USE IS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED.
DAHER   makes   every   effort   to   ensure   that   the   Mobile   Application   and   Flight   Data   are   accurate   and  reliable.   However,   DAHER   is   not   able   to   guarantee   the   accuracy,   comprehensiveness,   availability  and/or timeliness of the information and/or the Flight Data provided on the Mobile Application.
DAHER   aims   to   ensure   that   the   Mobile   Application   is   in   full   working   order   24/7.   However,   DAHER  does not guarantee that the Mobile Application will operate continuously or free from error.
DAHER   shall   not   be   liable   for   the   unavailability,   interruption   or   dysfunction   of   the   Mobile   Application  for   any   reason,   including   when   DAHER   elects   to   carry   out   maintenance   or   upgrade   works   on   the  Mobile Application.
DAHER   shall   not   be   liable   for   any   transmission   problems   or   any   difficulty   in   access.   Access   is   provided  without   contractual   guarantee,   and   DAHER   gives   no   guarantee   that   it   will   be   uninterrupted,   relevant  or   without   error,   or   that   the   results   obtained   in   using   this   platform   shall   be   correct   and   reliable,   either  currently or in the future.
DAHER does not guarantee that the Mobile Application will be secure or free from bugs or viruses. 
These   Terms   of   Use   do   not   create   any   warranties   or   obligations   beyond   those   stated   in   the   Aircraft  Purchase   Agreement.    All   provisions   pertaining   to   liability   and   warranty   in   respect   of   the   sale,  maintenance,   or   operation   of   the   Aircraft   are   those   stated   in   the   Terms   and   Conditions   and   related  Limited   Warranty   Policy   provided   to   and   agreed   by   the   Buyer   at   the   time   of   the   purchase   of   the  Aircraft and adopted or assumed by any subsequent owner or Operator. 
In   no   event   shall   DAHER   be   liable   to   User   (or   any   subsequent   owner)   for   any   amounts   representing  indirect,   special,   incidental,   exemplary,   consequential,   or   punitive   damages   including,   without  limitation,   economic   losses,   loss   of   profits,   loss   of   business,   and   loss   of   aircraft   use,   inconvenience,  commercial   loss,   litigation   expenses   (including   attorneys’   fees),   or   other   direct   or   indirect,  consequential,   incidental,   general   or   special   damages   arising   in   relation   to   the   Aircraft   or   installed  options,   accessories,   equipment,   components,   their   operation,   or   any   services   provided   by   DAHER   or  the   Aircraft   Seller,   including   the   Mobile   Application,   or   arising   from   any   errors   or   omissions   by  DAHER in the performance or non-performance of these Terms of Use.
DAHER   shall   not   in   any   event   be   liable   for   any   amount   beyond   the   limits   and   exclusions   set   forth   in  the Aircraft Purchase Agreement.
All   disclaimers,   waivers,   exclusions   and   limitations   of   remedies   herein   apply   in   full   from   the   date   of  delivery of the Aircraft.
DAHER   reserves   the   right   to   amend   these   Terms   of   Use,   and   is   responsible   for   alerting   its   Users   of  such   by   any   means   appropriate   (for   example,   by   e-mail   or   display   through   the   Mobile   Application).  The   provisions   thus   modified   shall   take   effect   automatically   on   the   day   following   their   publication.  Renewed   use   made   of   the   services   by   a   designated   User   means   the   latter   is   considered   to   have   agreed  to the amendments.
User may direct any request to the following address: TBMcare@daher.com
In   the   event   that   any   part   of   these   Terms   of   Use   were   to   be   declared   invalid   or   inapplicable   under  applicable   law,   including   but   not   limited   to   the   exclusions   from   warranty   and   the   limitations   of  liability   outlined   above,   the   invalid   or   inapplicable   provisions   in   question   shall   be   deemed   replaced   by  valid   and   applicable   provisions   that   are   the   best   approximation   that   is   valid   under   applicable   law   of  the   intention   of   the   original   provision,   while   the   other   terms   of   these   Terms   of   Use   remain   in   force  and fully effective.
These   Terms   of   Use   and   any   disputes   arising   out   of   them,   the   use   of   the   Mobile   Application,   or   in  relation   to   any   damages   alleged   to   have   been   caused   they   the   Mobile   Application   are   governed   by  French   substantive   law   without   resort   to   any   jurisdiction’s   choice-of-law   rules   and   shall   be   finally  settled by the French courts as having exclusive jurisdiction.
DAHER scope
Legal basis for the processing and purpose of use of the Personal Data: The processing of User Data is primarily based on direct or indirect contractual relationship between  data subjects and data controllers and the provision of improved services to aircraft buyers, including  the provision of aircraft condition and maintenance data through the Me&MyTBM mobile device  application (“App”).
Processing of User Data is secondarily based on other legitimate interests of DAHER in particular the  possibility to improve knowledge of aircraft conditions and usage in the field to improve them and  develop business. 
Purposes of use: 
1) System optimization and improvements;
2) Providing Users with engine trend data, information regarding maintenance requirements and  predictive maintenance services regarding the engines and other aircraft systems;
3) Supplying data to the Me&MyTBM App for access by the User and any others with whom the  User shares his or her login information;
4) Allowing Users to use the Me&MyTBM App to: monitor the behavior of aircraft systems after  completion of flights; receive aircraft status, airworthiness information, and engine status  information from CAMP Systems, Inc. (“CAMP”) receive notification if a system anomaly is  detected; and review piloting and interaction with aircraft systems for comparison with the  Pilot Operating Handbook; 
5) Improved customer support based on information about the Aircraft’s present condition;
6) Marketing activities;
7) Sales activities;
8) Customer relationship management ("CRM");
9) Manufacturing of products;
10) Delivery of products and services; and
11) Invoicing, taxation and related financial transactions.
For Data indicating the location of the aircraft, the processing of such Data is based on the consent of  the User or subsequent owner of the Aircraft. For customers who request that location data not be  processed, such data will be deleted from DAHER’s servers within two weeks of receipt from PWC. To  request that location data not be processed, customers must contact 

+1 833 826 2273.
Data Content:
Personal Data shall include:
First name;
Last name;
Street Address;
Postal Code;
Contact Method;
Mobile phone number;
Email address; and
Aircraft model and serial number.
The above data is required to perform certain provisions of the Aircraft Purchase Agreement (when  relevant) or the associated warranty and service contracts.
Data about flights by the Aircraft, its location, its performance, the operation of its engine, and other  data from the Aircraft’s instruments and sensors (“Flight Data”) will consist of data parameters that  are gathered by the Aircraft’s Garmin Avionics system and its global air system controller (“GASC”)  some of these data parameters (indicated air speed, outside air temperature, pressure altitude, engine  torque, Engine gas generator speed, propeller rotation, inter-turbine temperature, and fuel flow) will  be retained by PWC and provided to CAMP as well as being retained by DAHER (“Engine-Related  Data”).
It   is   not   obligatory   for   the   User   or   a   subsequent   owner   to   provide   the   above   Data   but   it   is   required   to  execute a maintenance contract with DAHER. 
Data Subjects:
TBM aircraft Users. You affirm that you are at least 18 years of age. 
Regular Sources of Data:
Aircraft   Users   or   subsequent   owners   themselves,   will   provide   their   names,   other   contact   information  and   which   aircraft   they   own.    FAST™   System   (or   equivalent   device)   will   provide   the   Flight   Data,  including the Engine-Related Data.
Flight   Data   will   be   transmitted   wirelessly   after   landings   to   PWC,   which   will   transmit   all   such   data   to  DAHER.    PWC   will   then   delete   all   such   data   other   than   the   Engine-Related   data   within   a   reasonable  time.    The   engine-related   data   retained   by   PWC   will   also   be   provided   to   CAMP   by   PWC   for   CAMP’s   use  in   providing   Engine   Health   Management,   engine   cruise   trend   monitoring,   alerts   regarding   trend   shifts  and   anomaly   detection,   and   its   MTX   maintenance   tracking   service.    The   data   received   by   DAHER   will  be   processed   and   used   to   send   aircraft   monitoring   information   to   the   User   (and   others   with   whom   the  User   shares   login   information)   through   the   Me&MyTBM   App,   provide   notifications   through   the  Me&MyTBM   App   if   a   system   fault   is   detected,   and   provide   the   User   with   information   regarding   the  piloting   of   the   Aircraft.    DAHER   will   retain   a   copy   of   this   data   in   France   to   provide   further   customer  service. 
Regular Disclosures of Data and Transfer of Data to countries outside EU and/or EEA:
Data   are   not   disclosed   (to   another   controller   other   than   the   User   of   the   Aircraft   and   others   to   whom   the  User   provides   the   User’s   login   information)   for   independent   use   except   in   cooperation   with   accident  investigative   authorities   in   connection   with   investigations   of   any   accidents   and   incidents   pursuant   to  Annex   13   to   the   Convention   on   International   Civil   Aviation,   to   comply   with   other   applicable   laws,  regulations,   legal   processes,   or   enforceable   government   requests,   and   to   companies   within   the   Daher  Group   and   Daher’s   subcontractors   in   order   to   execute   the   Purchase   Agreement   and   the   maintenance  contract   and   in   accordance   with   applicable   laws.    DAHER   may   also   disclose   your   data   to   third   parties   if  it   is   involved   in   a   merger,   acquisition,   or   sale   of   any   or   all   of   its   business   and/or   our   assets   to   such   third  parties. 
Flight   data   may   also   be   stripped   of   individually   identifiable   information   and   aggregated   with   data   from  other   TBM   aircraft   to   provide   other   owners   with   an   average   for   the   TBM   fleet   against   which   to   compare  that   owner’s   own   flight   data.    Such   sharing   of   data   with   other   owners   would   be   limited   to   calculated  averages, not data on any particular aircraft or any particular owner.
Data   are   transferred   outside   EU   and/or   EEA   only   to   the   App   used   by   the   User   of   the   Aircraft   and   others  to   whom   the   User   gives   the   App   login   information   and   as   allowed   by   and   in   accordance   with   applicable  laws.   In   case   of   absence   of   EU   Commission   adequacy   decisions,   EU   Commission   standard   contractual  clauses   (of   type   controller   to   processor,   EU   Commission   decision   2010/87/EU)   are   used   as   appropriate  or   suitable   safeguards   for   these   data   transfers.   Copies   of   the   standard   contractual   clauses   will   be  available   through   the   contact   details   mentioned   below.   Furthermore,   if   EU   Commission   adequacy  decisions are applicable we may rely on them.
If   Data   is   transferred   to   external   data   processors   (subcontractors   or   vendors)   appropriate   contractual  arrangements   (Including   EU   Commission   standard   contractual   clauses,   as   applicable),   as   required   by  the applicable laws, are executed to secure lawful and appropriate processing of personal data.
User agrees that Data can be transferred to Canada and US for processing. 
DAHER   does   not   share   any   California   consumer   information   with   third   parties   for   marketing   purpose  without   consent.    California   customers   who   wish   to   request   further   information   about   our   compliance  with this law or have questions or concerns about our privacy practices may contact us.
Security Principles of Data File:
Data   is   protected   by   technical   and   organizational   measures   against   accidental   and/or   unlawful   access,  alteration, destruction or other processing including unauthorized disclosure and transfer of Data.
Such   measures   include   but   are   not   necessarily   limited   to   proper   firewall   arrangements,   appropriate  encryption   of   telecommunication   and   messages   as   well   as   use   of   secure   and   monitored   equipment   and  server   rooms.   Data   security   is   of   special   concern   when   third   parties   ( e.g.   data   processing  subcontractors) providing and implementing IT systems and services are retained.
Data   security   requirements   are   duly   observed   in   IT   system   access   management   and   monitoring   of  access   to   IT   systems.   Access   to   Data   is   available   only   in   the   internal   networks   of   the   Daher   Group   to  which   DAHER   belongs.   Personnel   processing   Data   as   part   of   their   tasks   are   trained   and   properly  instructed in data protection and data security matters. 
Right to Object Data Processing:
In accordance with the law the data subject has at any time the right to:
1) Disconnect   the   FAST™   System   (or   equivalent   device)   or   remove   its   SIM   card   to   prevent  transmission of any Flight Data;
2) Request   that   data   relating   to   the   aircraft’s   location   not   be   processed   and   be   deleted   within   reasonable time after receipt;
3) Object   the   processing   of   Data   for   the   purposes   of   direct   marketing,   market   research   and  opinion polls; and 
4) On   grounds   relating   to   his   or   her   particular   situation,   object   to   the   processing   of   his/her   Data  when lawfulness of processing is based on legitimate interest of the data controllers.
In   order   to   use   these   rights,   the   data   subject   shall   contact   the   below   mentioned   contact   persons   in  writing   (including   by   e-mail).   However,   the   request   may   be   declined   where   allowed   or   required   under  the law.
Retention period of Data:
DAHER retains Data for the course of the contractual relationship and, to the extent permitted by law,  after termination of the Purchase Agreement and the maintenance contract for an additional period  not exceeding the lifetime of the aircraft. Data unnecessary for maintenance or operations of aircraft  will be deleted within five years from termination. This retention period is justified due to DAHER’s  obligations or needs related to  e.g.  product and service warranties, its obligation to cooperate in  governmental accident and incident investigations, product liability statutes, obligations to provide  information in connection with litigation, and rules of evidence.
Data Controllers:
GIE DSI - Bertrand Delineau   

Legal basis for the processing and purpose of use of the Personal Data:
Certain Buyer Data is also processed by a business partner company: 
PRATT & WHITNEY CANADA CORP. (“PWC”), a corporation duly organised and existing under the  laws of Canada, having its registered office at 1,000 Marie Victorin, Longueuil, Québec, J4G 1A1  Canada (hereafter referred to as the “ Business   Partner ”). 
The Business Partner processes User Data for its legitimate interest in particular to conduct justified  and legitimate business according to applicable legislation. This includes the provision by PWC and  CAMP of Engine Health Management services, engine cruise trend monitoring, alerts regarding trend  shifts and anomaly detection, and CAMP’s MTX maintenance tracking service.
Data Content:
Contact details (first name, last name, telephone number(s), physical address, and e-mail address),  indicated air speed, outside air temperature, pressure altitude, engine torque, Engine gas generator  speed, propeller rotation, inter-turbine temperature, and fuel flow.
Data Subjects
TBM aircraft Users.
Regular Sources of Data:
From   the   information   provided   by   the   User   through   the   FAST™   System   device   (or   equivalent)   when  installed on aircraft. 
Regular Disclosures of Data and Transfer of Data to countries outside EU and/or EEA:
Data   are   disclosed   only   to   Camp   Systems,   Inc.   (“CAMP”),   an   independent   provider   of   aviation  management services, unless transfer is required by the law such as to authorities. 
Data   are   transferred   outside   EU   and/or   EEA   only   as   allowed   by   and   in   accordance   with   applicable   laws.  In   case   of   absence   of   EU   Commission   adequacy   decisions,   EU   Commission   standard   contractual   clauses  (of   type   controller   to   processor,   EU   Commission   decision   2010/87/EU)   are   used   as   appropriate   or  suitable   safeguards   for   these   data   transfers.   Copies   of   the   standard   contractual   clauses   will   be   available  through   the   contact   details   mentioned   below.   Furthermore,   if   EU   Commission   adequacy   decisions   are  applicable we may rely on them.
If   Data   is   transferred   to   external   data   processors   (subcontractors   or   vendors)   appropriate   contractual  arrangements   (Including   EU   Commission   standard   contractual   clauses,   as   applicable),   as   required   by  the applicable laws, are executed to secure lawful and appropriate processing of personal data.
Data can be transferred to Canada and US for processing.
Right to Object Data Processing: 
As described above.
Other Rights of Data Subject:
As described above.
Retention period of Data:
Business Partner retains Engine-Related Data for same period as described above.
Data Controllers: